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带活性羟基的疏水的烃化合物胆固醇氨基 CLS-NH2
发布时间:2023-06-20     作者:zhn   分享到:




胆固醇是由 A、B和C等三个六碳环和一个五碳环D合并而成的环戊烷多氢菲衍生物,共含27个碳原子。环间相互以反式连接,通常取稳定的椅式构像。胆固醇除在5及6位碳之间有双键外,其余的碳多为氢所饱和(故称“多氢”)。各个碳原子的编号如下图所示,式中按惯例略去氢原子,CH3基也只以短线表示,如18、19、21、26和27位碳甲基。3位碳上有一个羟基,17位碳上是1条八碳侧链。环戊烷并菲核心为板状刚性结构,在其上的一端是具挠性的八碳侧链,而在其另一端是羟基。


Cholesterol is the main steroid component of animal tissues and a normal component of plasma and almost all cell membranes. Cholesterol is a hydrophobic hydrocarbon compound with active hydroxyl groups. It is a 3-hydroxysterol with an aliphatic side chain at the C-17 position (with a perhydrogen-1,2-cyclopentenyl phenanthrene ring skeleton). Theoretically, cholesterol plays an important role in regulating the permeability and fluidity of the cell membrane by forming an insertion structure between the phospholipids of the membrane.

Cholesterol exists either free or in combination with fatty acids to form esters. Cholesterol and cholesterol esters are transported in the form of lipoproteins. The amount of cholesterol in various lipoproteins is different, and the content of low-density lipoprotein is the highest. Cholesterol in the biofilm can adjust the fluidity of the membrane to meet different functional requirements.

Cholesterol is a cyclopentane dihydrophenanthrene derivative composed of three six carbon rings a, B and C and one five carbon ring D. It contains a total of 27 carbon atoms. The rings are connected to each other in a reverse manner, usually in a stable chair configuration. Except that there are double bonds between the carbons at positions 5 and 6 of cholesterol, most of the remaining carbons are saturated with hydrogen (hence the name "polyhydrogen"). The numbering of each carbon atom is shown in the figure below. In the formula, hydrogen atom is omitted as usual, and CH3 group is only represented by short lines, such as carbomethyl groups at positions 18, 19, 21, 26 and 27. There is a hydroxyl group on the carbon 3 and an eight carbon side chain on the carbon 17. Cyclopentane phenanthrene core is a plate-like rigid structure, with a flexible eight carbon side chain at one end and a hydroxyl group at the other end.




西安齐岳生物是一家从事经营进口科研试剂销售公司,科研试剂主要涉及生命科学、医学及药学。 我们主要供应peg衍生物、氨基酸、玻片、光电化学、杂环小分子、荧光染料、糖化学、小分子半导体砌块、有机硅、有机氟、倍半硅氧烷、蛋白及糖类偶联、产品、超分子主体材料、大环配体、点击化学、电镀化学品等等产品。


mPEG-Hyd-MAL 甲氧基聚乙二醇-腙键-马来酰亚胺

mPEG-Hyd-DOX 甲氧基聚乙二醇-腙键-阿霉素

mPEG-SS-COOH 甲氧基聚乙二醇-双硫键-羧基

mPEG-SS-NH2 甲氧基聚乙二醇-双硫键-氨基

mPEG-SS-NHS 甲氧基聚乙二醇-双硫键-活性酯

biotin-PEG-SS-NHS 生物素-聚乙二醇-双硫键-活性酯

NH2-PEG-SS-COOH 氨基-聚乙二醇-双硫键-羧基

OPSS-PEG-COOH 聚乙二醇-酰胺-丙酸琥珀酰亚胺酯-聚乙二醇-羧基

OPSS-PEG-NH2 聚乙二醇-酰胺-丙酸琥珀酰亚胺酯-聚乙二醇-氨基

OPSS-PEG-PLL-PAE 聚乙二醇-酰胺-丙酸琥珀酰亚胺酯-聚赖氨酸-PAE

OPSS-PEG-PLL-PLGA 聚乙二醇-酰胺-丙酸琥珀酰亚胺酯-聚赖氨酸-聚丙交酯乙交酯共聚物

NHS-TK-MAL 活性酯-酮缩硫醇-马来酰亚胺

PEG-TK-PS 聚乙二醇-酮缩硫醇-聚苯乙烯

PLLA-TK-PEG 左旋聚乳酸-酮缩硫醇-聚乙二醇

NHS-PEG-TK-COOH 活性酯-聚乙二醇-酮缩硫醇-羧基
